Ordering and Delivery Process
Choose Complete, we are committed to customer service
Ordering and Delivery Process
The importance of commitment to customer service at Complete Lintels Building Supplies is paramount. We will strive to fulfill your product requirements and we are fully committed to safely delivering your product to site, both efficiently and in a timely manner. We provide you with the following important information to assist you in understanding our ordering & delivery processes.
Site Details
You will need to provide us with accurate product information & site details. Therefore, in addition to your product details at the time of ordering, you should have the following information ready:
Street Number, Street & Suburb
Accurate spelling of Street Number, Street & Suburb
Site Contact Name
This is name of the person that will be onsite to accept your delivery
Site Contact Mobile Number
This is the mobile number belonging to the person that will be onsite to accept your delivery
A nearest cross street
This further assists our drivers to locate your site. Even if you have 2 cross streets find out what they are & provide this to us.
Unloading Method
Our trucks are not all configured identically. Some of our trucks are fitted with a crane to unload your product & some trucks are equipped with a forklift.
(Your site conditions will govern which unloading method is suitable).
Delivery Instructions
Please ensure your delivery instructions are clear & concise, such as "Call 1 hour before delivery" or "unload” blocks on front nature strip".
The standard delivery method for our trucks is to unload & place brick/block/paver packs within crane reach from the kerbside outside of your site.
PLEASE NOTE: Any request that you (the customer) issue to the driver that is beyond our standard delivery method, AND if damage is incurred then you (the customer) is liable for all damages. Complete Lintels Building Supplies does not take any responsibility for any damage sustained beyond our standard delivery method.
Complete Lintels Building Supplies drivers will not place product above ground level (i.e we do not lift to a first floor & above). They will also not unload your product into excavated holes from an elevated roadway or embankment. This is totally unsafe & against WorkCover regulations.
Placement of Product on Slabs
Your delivery will not be unloaded & placed onto concrete slabs without citing a written & signed engineer’s certificate.
In summary, Complete Lintels Building Supplies drivers have the ultimate right to decide on product placement after assessing your site. Our drivers will make this decision after taking into full consideration of any verbal or written requests by you or your builder.
Other Site Factors
In addition to the above, there may be other factors on your site or street that may impact on your delivery. Not all sites are perfectly flat or level and unobstructed. Please be mindful of the following and let us know if any of these points apply to your delivery:
Overhead Obstructions
If you are requesting a delivery by crane truck, please let us know if there are any overhead power lines or over hanging trees that could potentially obstruct the safe unloading of your order. For our crane to operate safely there must be a height clearance of 3 metres from any overhead power lines or any other overhead obstructions.
Site Obstructions
Please ensure that you have sufficient room on your site to accept your delivery. Our drivers are not authorised to move your existing site obstructions, this includes (but is not limited to) silt fences, fences, gates or product previously delivered by other suppliers. You must provide sufficient access for our truck.
Tight Access
This can apply to your street (it could be narrow, parked cars on either side). Please be aware that trucks are nowhere near the size of a standard car and therefore they require ample space to manoeuvre.
Muddy Sites
Our trucks will not enter a muddy site due to environmental impacts (i.e bringing mud out onto the road) or a site where there is potential for our truck (or forklift) to be bogged.
Traffic Control
If your site is in a street where usual traffic flow may be disrupted due to your delivery, it is your (or your builder’s) responsibility to organise an authorised RMS traffic control person.
You may request for a specific day of delivery and we will do our utmost to ensure that your request is met. However, sometimes your request may not be fulfilled and this is solely dependent on supply & demand, which in turn may impact on the availability of our trucks. We unfortunately also cannot guarantee specific times for your product to arrive on site. Instead your delivery will be allocated during one of the 3 Time Periods on offer, these are:
Time Period: 1st Load (7am-10am)
1st Load is generally allocated for delivery with a full truck load of product to the one site or to avoid traffic/road restrictions during peak hour. Please also let us know if you have a special request such as ‘must be onsite at 7am’ or ‘must meet onsite crane at 7am’ and we will do our best to meet your request.
Time Period: 2nd Load (10am-2pm) & Time Period: 3rd Load (2pm-5pm)
2nd Load & 3rd Loads generally consist of multiple drop-off orders from multiple customers. Please also let us know if your site closes at a specific time in the afternoon. so we can accomodate for you.
You will receive an SMS from our CompleteSMS service the afternoon before your allocated delivery date. It is important that you have your mobile phone near you on this day to read your confirmation message. Your site details, delivery date & time period & product will be confirmed in this SMS.
It is impossible for us to predict what is happening on your site that could potentially affect your delivery. We also do not cancel deliveries due to wet weather.
It is your responsibility to let us know if you are having problems onsite & cannot accept delivery. Please let us know at least 24 hours before your delivery date.
Important Note
If your order has already been loaded on a truck (regardless of whether our truck has left the loading yard or not) & you must cancel your delivery, charges will apply for return of product. Unfortunately, we cannot waiver this. Our internal sales staff will advise you of the applicable charge amount.
Refusal of Delivery
If our truck arrives onsite with your order & you choose to refuse delivery, charges will apply. Our internal sales staff will advise you of the charge amount.
Demurrage Charges
This includes either or both ‘Waiting Time’ or ‘Excessive Unloading Time’. ‘Waiting Time’ charges may apply if our truck is forced to wait onsite due to onsite obstructions that prevent immediate unload of product. Our internal sales staff will advise you of the applicable charge amount.
As a guide, typically:
a) our crane trucks (with a part load) should not be required to unload for more than 30 mins on your site;
b) our semi-trailer trucks (with a full load) should not be required to unload for more than 1 hour on your site. An unload time period outside of the above guide will be deemed as ‘Excessive Unloading Time’ & therefore charges will apply. Our internal sales staff will advise you of the applicable charge amount.
Movement of previously delivered product by another supplier
Our drivers are un-authorised to move product on your site that has been delivered by another supplier.
Our Trucks
We have a selection of trucks that are configured specifically to handle different sites & delivery unloading methods. These are:
Crane Truck (x2) (Rear Crane)
Maximum Truck Load Capacity: 13 tonnes
Truck Length: 6100mm
Truck width: 2450mm
Maximum Reach of Crane: 8000mm
Maximum Crane Lifting Height at Maximum Reach: 3000mm @ 1.6 tonnes (site conditions can reduce this even further)
Crane Truck (x1) (Front Crane)
Maximum Truck Load Capacity: 7.2 tonnes
Truck Length: 7000mm
Truck width: 2450mm
Maximum Reach of Crane: 7000mm
Maximum Crane Lifting Height at Maximum Reach: 3000mm
Semi-Trailer with forklift
Maximum Truck Load Capacity: 25-26 tonnes
Truck Length: 12500mm.
Truck & Trailer length: 19000mm
Truck width: 2450mm
Forklift width: 2500mm
Clearances for forklifts to pass through (height & width): 3500mm Height Clearance / 3500mm
Width Clearance (i.e Forklift Width (2500mm PLUS 500mm required from each side of opening)
How high up can the forklift lift a pack of bricks (or blocks or pavers)?: 2700mm
Maximum weight the fork can lift: 2.5 tonnes
Our forklifts are All Terrain forklifts
Pick up of Product from our Warehouse
Complete Lintels Building Supplies is compliant with Work Health & Safety (WHS) procedures and our staff is trained in safe loading of product with both forklift and overhead gantry crane for customer pickup. Our warehouse staff reserve the right to refuse loading your vehicle/trailer if it does not comply with safety standards.
Therefore please be aware of the following guidelines before arriving to pickup your product from our Riverstone warehouse.
Drive Slowly
You are to drive slowly into our Riverstone warehouse (do not exceed 5km/hr) & you must abide by all signage. Please park your vehicle in the designated area & then proceed to our despatch office window on our ground level to collect your pickup paperwork.
Children & Pets must stay in your vehicle
Our warehouse staff will direct you on where to park your vehicle & you must stay with your vehicle whilst our warehouse staff load your product. Children or pets are not permitted to exit out of your vehicle at anytime during loading. If you have any queries during loading please talk to our warehouse staff.
Weight/Towing Capabilities
Please be conversant with the weight/towing capabilities of your vehicle/trailer that you will be using to pickup your product. Please be mindful that some of our building products, (for example Galvanised or Concrete Lintels) are long & unbalanced items and these are better suited to be transported on a long flat trailer or truck.
IMPORTANT: Your standard garden trailer may not be suitable to pickup all of our building products. Your trailer compliance plate should clearly state your maximum carrying capacity. As an example, one pack of bricks or blocks generally weighs approximately 1200kg. If your trailer can only carry a maximum of 750kg, then we will not load a full brick pack onto your trailer.
Also, trailers without brakes or compliance plates will be restricted in their loading capacity.
Roof Racks
Standard car roof racks normally have a load limit between 80-90kgs; however this does not govern all roof racks. Therefore, we retain the right to refuse loading of product onto your roof racks if there is any possible risk of breach of safety.
Restraining Devices
You must have your own containment & restraining devices (we do not provide this for you) & you must be able to restrain your product safely & correctly (our warehouse staff are not authorised to do this for you). Ratchet load restraints are generally the best as they allow your load to be tied down with greater tension & force than a single rope. Complete Lintels Building Supplies renounces ALL responsibility in the event that you lose your load after you have exited from our yard. Therefore, prior to exiting our premises you must check if your load is secured/restrained correctly.
Signing of Paperwork
You must sign all paperwork before leaving our yard. Please exit from our yard as directed by our yard staff.
Note: Please be mindful that if you are not confident to pickup & transport a load of product then please request for our trucks to deliver to your site at the time of placing your order.,
If you have any further delivery questions please do not hesitate to contact our office on (02) 9672 4840 or send us an email sales@completelbs.com.au
Get in touch.
If you have any queries relating to this product range, please message us today and we will be in touch.