Premix Concrete
choose Complete for your concrete requirements
We supply premix concrete according to your requirements:
normal class specified by compressive strength (20MPa, 25MPa etc)
blockfill (10mm aggregate)
early strength concrete
topping mix
pavement mix
pattern mix/colour concrete
accelerant & retardant
If you are planning your project or are ready to order
Premix Concrete
We supply premix concrete to projects all over the Greater Sydney region. Over the past 15 years we have proudly supplied various mixes for projects ranging from small residential to large commercial.
Work with us.
Concrete Calculators
Use any of our calculators below to calculate the required volume of concrete for your requirements.
Benefits of Fibre Reinforced Concrete – Fibre reinforced concrete increases the tensile strength of concrete floors. It reduces cracking and is an excellent alternate for projects where conventional steel mesh reinforcement cannot be used. It improves the impact strength of concrete, reduces permeability which controls crack growth and makes the structure more durable.
Did you know that you don’t have to use steel reinforcement in a concrete slab?
Get in touch.
If you have any queries relating to this product range, please message us today and we will be in touch.